Must-Have Features in Horse Floats: A Buyer’s Checklist

A horse float is a must-have for every horse owner. Your equine companion will appreciate a reliable trailer that can carry it across long distances, that is, if you choose the right one that suits their needs.

Finding the best horse floats is a challenge, considering there are hundreds of innovative options. Sometimes, it is best to start looking at the basics; below is a comprehensive list of the features necessary in a horse float:

Sufficient Ventilation

The best horse floats in Australia have good ventilation to keep horses comfortable during the ride. When assessing units, examine the float and its capacity to bring the right amount of airflow inside to maintain a comfortable environment for your steeds while on the road. Additionally, proper ventilation prevents respiratory issues and overheating.

Look for horse floats with windows, air vents, and roof openings. These features help expel heat, fumes, dust, and stale air while letting fresh air circulate the interior of the float.

Sturdiness and Durability

Not many horse float manufacturing companies prioritise the quality and build of their horse floats. As such, you must keep a keen eye and only select horse floats that are sturdy and durable enough to withstand potential damage during loading and travelling.

When choosing a new horse float, select the ones made of aluminium or steel, both of which are considered the toughest materials for trailers. All components must also have the right integrity enough to take on bumps in the road while transporting the horse.

Ample Space and Natural Light

No one is ever comfortable in a very tight and narrow room; neither are horses. Horses tend to panic when their floats are too small for them, so it is wise to understand your steed’s height, weight, and breed before choosing a new float. Consider the head height, total weight, and capacity of the horse float.

Also, ensure that the float has enough natural light for the horse to remain calm and comfortable. Having roof openings and plenty of windows is especially useful.

Quality Horse Float Manufacturer

One of the most important factors to consider when getting a new horse float is the manufacturer. Trustworthy manufacturers with a stellar reputation in the market will provide you with horse floats of high quality and performance, making transportation safe and easy. Visit Euro Horse Shop to get the best horse floats in Australia.