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How to Get the Most Out of an 11-Month Warranty Inspection

A home inspection performed by a professional will help you get the most out of your warranty. Any issue or defect that the builder should have addressed will be pointed out by a certified home inspector at no cost. Often, the house builder will make necessary repairs without charging the buyers extra costing. The 11-month warranty inspection is designed to ensure you get the most out of your new home’s warranty period and help you save time and money upon purchasing as well.


It is easy to overlook things that need fixing after the 11-month warranty. Seeking help from professional builder inspectors can identify any potential problems with your newly built home.  A deficiency discovered during the warranty period will likely lead to compensation from the builder.


An 11-month warranty inspection is vital for many reasons. One is that it protects your investment and avoids costly repairs from escalating over time. It can help identify common problems with new homes and alert you to severe issues before they become significant. Even a tiny leak on a window can lead to rot and mold later. And the homeowner may not pay too much attention on such small detail that the problem may get worse until it is too late and will have to pay for the expensive repairs out of pocket. 


Finally, an 11-month warranty house check-up that includes water leak inspection, will keep the buyer and the family safe as they comfortably stay in their new home. The peace of mind that one can get from having an 11-month warranty inspection is unbeatable. Knowing that the house was inspected carefully, and that there’s still an almost a year of warranty inspection, accidents from building faults or not so sturdy residential materials will be addressed as soon as it has been noticed. 


To feel secure under one’s own roof is one of the priorities of any family, especially those who just bought a newly built home. It is highly suggested that every family should make the best out of their 11-month inspection warranty to avoid further expenses and mishaps.


If you want to learn more on how to how to get the most out of an 11-month warranty inspection, you can visit Hound Dog Home Inspection’s website.